martes, 15 de julio de 2014

7 steps to effective weight loss without exercise

The steps that have helped me my lose weight.

I share some of the tips that been taking the time and I have helped my lose weight without dying of stress and anxiety. These tips will help you just be patient, follow the more the faster you will see results. Every Tuesday I'll be posting tips for you. Good luck, take care and greetings! :)

1. Enough sleep: When little sleep tend to eat more. Persons deprived of sleep produced more ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite. Add to that a tired brain is less able to control their impulsos. Sleep above or below 7 or 8 hours may cause weight gain. There is just enough time to sleep, no more, no less.

2 - On awakening or fasting. I'll Present three options, take the one that best adapt your tastes. And Tomas fasting metabolic rate to accelerate.

Green tea.  It is also a food calorie free and you can drink two to four cups a day causes the body to burn 17% more calories than normal. 
Grab a cup of coffee in the mornings. It's not just a quick way to smarten up. A cup of coffee is absorbed very quickly into the bloodstream, which accelerates the heartbeat and get peak metabolic activity up to three hours after you have drunk. 
Water with lemon. It is an excellent detoxifier and desinflamante and contains large amounts of vitamin C with antioxidant properties. 
The trick is to drink warm water, not hot, with a whole lemon juice fasting and preferably on an empty stomach, which will help us lose weight and eliminate those pounds that bother us.

 3 Record what you eat: Write what you eat each day allows you to be aware of how much you're eating.  I advise you in a notebook, write down everything you eat daily and you noting the amount of calories you consume, so I know exactly what you're doing right or wrong in regards to their goals of weight loss.

4 Take a glass of water before each meal: Water also take up space in your stomach, which will help you feel satisfied with less food. 

5 Eat a good breakfast: This does not give a banquet in the morning, but a complete and balanced breakfast can give you enough to meet the daily activity energy. That is healthy that includes protein. This helps to keep the controlled during the day hungry. Foods like eggs or yogurt are ideal for breakfast, and cereals, fruit etc.. And it is recommended to eat every 3 hours.

6. Downsize your plate: Perform at least five small meals a day: three major (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and two snacks (mid-morning and mid-afternoon). Do not skip meals, all are important! Use small plates and pour yourself small portions. The reason for this is to regulate the metabolism so that it is always in a fat burning mode, the faster your metabolism will be. 

7 Do not eat after 7pm or 8: Really and truly should eat at least 3 hours before going to sleep at night. So if you are a person who goes to bed early, and reduce time accordingly. I do not want to go to bed with food in the stomach because food will only become fat and stored. 

Losing weight is not difficult but it requires discipline, dedication and willingness to stay focus and follow a proven plan for incredible success.

DIY Vanity desk

Here are some ideas but there are many ways to create a Vanity desk, do not just use their creativity, using different things at home. If we do not have much budget to buy one. 

This is a great idea to create a Vanity desk with a suitcase and placed in the top mirror.

If you do not have enough room for a Vanity desk, do not limit your creativity, you can make something that fits that space, and do something small but stylish.

This is another awesome way if only accounts with a small space, you can create in your bathroom.

Oh! Can you buy a table and a beautiful mirror that fits your budget, and create something cool and stylish. Here are some ideas you might like.

lunes, 14 de julio de 2014

DIY Step by step Ponytail braid twist

How to make a Ponytail braid twist? 

What makes me fall in love with this braid is that I can wear all day and will remain the same since the time I made it, as if time did not pass over it, what happens is that I have small tufts in my hair and that make me French braids or normal braids it does is it instantly or the minutes pass, lose charm, (starts to leaving hair out of the braid) But what it does is it makes using different braids EASIER keep hair in place and I hope this helps them as a braid made ​​me luck girls,.. kisses, take care and see you soon.

DIY Step by Step: Ponytail with different Braids

How to make a Ponytail with different BRAIDS? 

This braid comparison of the other, makes it look more elegant your ponytail, as it is a more sophisticated collected, you can use it for something casual or a more formal meeting. Sometimes I use it for work or to going out. Also when not bring encouragement to use hair down. Oh! we do  NOT have time, so this braid is easy and quick to do, which the take out of trouble, luck girls, kisses, take care and see you soon.

DIY Step by step! Greek Braid or Crown Braid

How to make a Greek Braid or Crown Braid?

Braids come this summer with great force. I really love this kind of braid for hot days, wear your hair up while finding himself CUTE. Kisses, take care and see you soon ...

DIY Headboard bed :)

Sometimes it is very expensive to buy a headboard for the bed and what we could do to fix that. Is to create one, so you'll save a lot of money. There are many ways to create one, I'll show you some ideas which you can see and get an idea of ​​how you might do something that resembles your style.

The mirrors are a simple way to adapt as a headboard, buy some beautiful and large or use one you have in your home. 

A blackboard is a very creative way to create a headboard, since you can use to write things down or clear if you're good at drawing, you could draw amazing things.

You can use wood, and create a striking headboard. I could paint it to your liking or leave it.

Rarely we have old doors, which could paint and put them as headboards.

The way that I loved more is to use blinds looks amazing.

Oh! such a bookcase, and you give, this dual function the headboard and put your books.

You can hang a curtain as a headboard.

Oh! that such use pads, which can create yourself, to come out cheaper.

Nail polish Purple Diamond 102

Nail polish Sinful Colors (Purple diamond 102)